How to Find Happiness Even in the Most Difficult Times
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How to Find Happiness Even in the Most Difficult Times

How do you find happiness in difficult times in life? Even though you may be facing challenging circumstances, or immense levels of stress, you can still find happiness. Just a few years ago I was dying! Facing death was one of the most emotionally traumatizing experiences of my life. I was a mother with three…

Four Things That Can Make Your Life More Meaningful
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Four Things That Can Make Your Life More Meaningful

When we spend our lives merely surviving, life can start to seem a little empty and pointless. Nevertheless, this is exactly how many of us live: we work for eight hours or more a day and then we come home feeling too tired and exhausted to do much of anything with our time. So, we…

Seven Secrets to help you stick to your habits and goals…even when life gets crazy
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Seven Secrets to help you stick to your habits and goals…even when life gets crazy

Life can get crazy busy and it is hard to stay on track. Are you having trouble sticking to the new habits and goals you have set? Learn seven secrets to help you stay on track and achieve success when it comes to sticking to your new year’s resolutions, habits, and goals.

5 Mistakes Business Owners Make When Setting Goals
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5 Mistakes Business Owners Make When Setting Goals

How can you gauge your success in business? By planning and setting goals. Some entrepreneurs use a “fly by the seat of their pants” approach to running their business without taking the time to plan and set specific goals. Not having goals is equivalent to being on a hamster wheel going nowhere. This can be…

Discover a New Way to Make and Keep Your New Years Resolutions

Discover a New Way to Make and Keep Your New Years Resolutions

Do you feel overwhelmed by new years resolutions? Have you tried every year to follow through on your resolutions only to “fall off the wagon”? Do you feel like a failure because you just can’t stop over-eating, but you desperately want to lose weight and improve your health? Or maybe you wonder “Why can everyone…